Tag index
- Fraunhofer IPA: Scientific Associate
- Fraunhofer IPA: Project Manager
- Cloud-based cooperative navigation for mobile service robots in dynamic industrial environments
- Manufacturing Service Bus: An Implementation
- Challenges of Production Microservices
- A Predictive Online Path Planning and Optimization Approach for Cooperative Mobile Service Robot Navigation in Industrial Applications
- Manufacturing Service Bus: An Implementation
- Wie cyber-physische Systeme zu autonomer Produktion führen
- Bosch Research: Research Engineer
- Results of the ROSCon24 Workshop Survey 'Hands-on with ROS2 Deliberation Technologies'
- Energy Efficient Dynamic Window Approach for Local Path Planning in Mobile Service Robotics
- Power-minimization and energy-reduction autonomous navigation of an omnidirectional Mecanum robot via the dynamic window approach local trajectory planning
- Energy Efficient Dynamic Window Approach for Local Path Planning in Mobile Service Robotics
- Der digitale Arbeitsplatz in der Produktion: Herausforderungen und Chancen
- An optimal algorithm to solve the combined task allocation and path finding problem
- Optimized directed roadmap graph for multi-agent path finding using stochastic gradient descent
- GSRM: Building Roadmaps for Query-Efficient and Near-Optimal Path Planning Using a Reaction Diffusion System
- Bosch Research: Research Engineer
- Towards a Verifiable Toolchain for Robotics
- Towards Robust Autonomous Robots Using Statistical Model Checking
- Teilhabe durch Robotik: Ergonomische und sichere Arbeitsplätze für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter in der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
- Inclusion Through Robotics: Designing Human-Robot Collaboration for Handicapped Workers
- Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für Schwerbehinderte als Beitrag zur Inklusion in der Arbeitswelt
- Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter
- Pilz: Research Engineer
- Teilhabe durch Robotik: Ergonomische und sichere Arbeitsplätze für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter in der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
- Inclusion Through Robotics: Designing Human-Robot Collaboration for Handicapped Workers
- Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für Schwerbehinderte als Beitrag zur Inklusion in der Arbeitswelt
- Wie cyber-physische Systeme zu autonomer Produktion führen
- Fraunhofer IPA: Scientific Associate
- Fraunhofer IPA: Project Manager
- Cloud-based cooperative navigation for mobile service robots in dynamic industrial environments
- A harmonized approach for constructing a robust and efficient technology backbone for agile manufacturing systems
- Manufacturing Service Bus: An Implementation
- A Predictive Online Path Planning and Optimization Approach for Cooperative Mobile Service Robot Navigation in Industrial Applications
- Adaptive Work Instructions for People with Disabilities in the Context of Human Robot Collaboration
- Wie cyber-physische Systeme zu autonomer Produktion führen
- Big-Data-Analytik: Datenbasierte Optimierung produzierender Unternehmen
- A harmonized approach for constructing a robust and efficient technology backbone for agile manufacturing systems
- Manufacturing Service Bus: An Implementation
- Teilhabe durch Robotik: Ergonomische und sichere Arbeitsplätze für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter in der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
- Wie cyber-physische Systeme zu autonomer Produktion führen
- Der digitale Arbeitsplatz in der Produktion: Herausforderungen und Chancen
- An optimal algorithm to solve the combined task allocation and path finding problem
- Optimized directed roadmap graph for multi-agent path finding using stochastic gradient descent
- Ant colony optimization based multi-robot planner for combined task allocation and path finding
- Pilz: Research Engineer
- Bosch Research: Research Engineer
- Energy Efficient Dynamic Window Approach for Local Path Planning in Mobile Service Robotics
- Cloud-based cooperative navigation for mobile service robots in dynamic industrial environments
- A Predictive Online Path Planning and Optimization Approach for Cooperative Mobile Service Robot Navigation in Industrial Applications
- Power-minimization and energy-reduction autonomous navigation of an omnidirectional Mecanum robot via the dynamic window approach local trajectory planning
- An optimal algorithm to solve the combined task allocation and path finding problem
- Optimized directed roadmap graph for multi-agent path finding using stochastic gradient descent
- Ant colony optimization based multi-robot planner for combined task allocation and path finding
- GSRM: Building Roadmaps for Query-Efficient and Near-Optimal Path Planning Using a Reaction Diffusion System
- Teilhabe durch Robotik: Ergonomische und sichere Arbeitsplätze für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter in der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
- Adaptive Work Instructions for People with Disabilities in the Context of Human Robot Collaboration
- Inclusion Through Robotics: Designing Human-Robot Collaboration for Handicapped Workers
- Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für Schwerbehinderte als Beitrag zur Inklusion in der Arbeitswelt
- Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter
- Optimized directed roadmap graph for multi-agent path finding using stochastic gradient descent
- GSRM: Building Roadmaps for Query-Efficient and Near-Optimal Path Planning Using a Reaction Diffusion System
- Fraunhofer IPA: Project Manager
- Pilz: Research Engineer
- Bosch Research: Research Engineer
- Results of the ROSCon24 Workshop Survey 'Hands-on with ROS2 Deliberation Technologies'
- Pilz: Research Engineer
- Teilhabe durch Robotik: Ergonomische und sichere Arbeitsplätze für schwerbehinderte Produktionsmitarbeiter in der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration